Easier for your clients, more conversions for you

Satispay is the innovative online payment app that offers a truly unique online shopping experience for everyone.

A one-of-a-kind online payment experience

Easy and instantaneous

Your clients just scan a QR Code
and instantly confirm their
purchases via the Satispay App.
There you go, all done!

97% conversion rate

Achieve an above-market conversion rate thanks to our smooth and frictionless user experience (no 3D Secure authorisation, codes or passwords).

Safe payments

Satispay ensures safe transactions without additional costs: no fraud
or chargeback risks
thanks to
our Satispay infrastructure.

Discover how simple it is to activate Satispay in your ecommerce and app

First you need to sign up to Satispay Business. Then choose the available integrations that suit your app best.

The technical integration is plug & play for the main CMS and PSPs or a direct API implementation for customized ecommerces and apps.

Start accepting payments with our easy checkout flow

The customer selects Satispay, scans the QR code and confirms the payment directly from the Satispay app.
Once confirmed, the purchase is done and they are redirected to the ecommerce.

Choose Satispay and take advantage of low fees

Satispay has no subscription costs or monthly fees. The only fees are transparent and applied to every single transaction.
Visit our Satispay Business Costs page for further details.

More than 15.000 brands have already integrated
Satispay's online payment solution

Discover our main ecommerces and apps.

For any questions or support you can contact Satispay's Teams at business@satispay.com.

Need help?

We remain at your disposal for any further information.
Contact us

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Satispay Europe S.A. | 53, Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg | VAT LU30726739 | a company of the Satispay S.p.A. Group

Electronic Money Institution authorized and regulated by the CSSF, register number: W00000010.